Arts In Education Program
Check out our library of study guides and videos
Since 1988, we have provided over 200,000 theatrical experiences to at-risk and economically disadvantaged youth and families.
Our goal is to enrich the educational experience of youth through the medium of the Theatre Arts. The core of the IN THE WINGS Program provides free tickets to children and their families as well as special needs individuals for dedicated IN THE WINGS performances of Civic Theatre productions. We would like to thank the Journal Gazette Foundation, the Edward M. & Mary McCrea Wilson Foundation, Lincoln Financial Foundation, and AWS Foundation for their support of our IN THE WINGS program for the 2022-2023 Season.
We believe that this exposure is, for many, an unfamiliar art form which will spark creativity, produce lasting impressions, and reap many benefits. Although attendance at these special performances is central to the program, we consider it only a single facet of the program. A number of activities that compliment and expand on this foundation are available.
Talkbacks are always held after each IN THE WINGS performance for the audience to have a chance to chat with the actors, crews, and directors and ask questions about the rehearsal process, set design and construction, costumes, and any other aspects of the productions. We urge you to encourage your children to stay and participate.
Backstage tours are offered throughout the year. Let our technical staff take your group throughout the Arts United Center facility - from the scene shop and prop storage in the basement to the fly rail and lighting bays high above the stage.
Workshops on auditioning, makeup, musical theatre, movement, costuming, scenic design and technical aspects of theatre can all be arranged to suit your individual program.
Study guides that contain plot synopses, playwright and composer biographies, show reviews, library references, and quizzes with answer keys are available for teachers to incorporate into their curricula. Click here to access our Study Guide Library.
Are you thinking of creating your own theatrical production? Have you ever wondered what's involved, where and how to begin? Start by clicking here to download "Creating A Theatrical Production." (PDF viewer required)
Just as important as what happens on stage and back stage is what happens in the seats. Make the most of the theatre experience by following our Theatre Etiquette Guide. (PDF viewer required)
The different departments of the theatre are available for your students. The Civic Theatre is willing to work with your organization to set up programs that can even be done for school credit. The scene shop and costume shop can take up to two interns at a time, two to three times a week.
The importance of theater in this community is the opportunity it provides to experience the passion, immediacy and power of live performances. It is a place where ideas from around the world can be expressed and examined, giving us cause to stretch our imaginations and let them carry us to places we've never been. It is a haven where we can receive nourishment for our souls, be uplifted and entertained, and validate and enhance our lives.
The IN THE WINGS program makes all this available to the underserved population of our community at no charge; the goal being to introduce these youth to all theatre has to offer and touch their lives in some fashion.